You are invited to join our livestream service on our Facebook page, this Sunday, January 17th beginning at 10am. This Sunday we explore hearing the Lord's call to us to follow. To follow Jesus is to walk in the light which disciples believe is always much more preferable than stumbling in the dark.
You will find a service sheet for the service by clicking on the link near the bottom of this page.
We are also so thankful that we are created with such curious minds and hearts that lead us to new discoveries that pour light on how our world works and how we might overcome those things, like the current virus, that would hurt and destroy us.
Let our prayer be that we also become enlightened on how we might care for, and protect this world from our own, self-seeking, personal wants and desires.
Morning Prayer - Weekdays - Tuesday to Friday
You would be most welcome to join our livestream service of Morning Prayer held weekdays at 9:30am from Tuesday to Friday. It is great way to begin your day or take a pause if your day is already underway and spend time giving thanks, hearing God's Word, praying for the needs of the world and those close to you. The service lasts about 30 minutes and quite a few people do join in. The service stays on Facebook so you can also participate at any time during the day. If you take it in during the evening just think of it as Evening Prayer and change the hope for blessings that day to giving thanks for the blessings received. You would be most welcome.
The Wednesday Conversation
Please do join us on Wednesday mornings at 10am (following Morning Prayer) for the Wednesday Conversation. It is a great way to catch up with one another as members of St. Helen. We give each other support and encouragement in a kind of coffee hour way. So bring along your cup of tea or coffee or favourite beverage and join us. You need not say a thing or you can join in all you want. With a zoom meeting, you will be let in the door by the rector and welcomed by everyone else who is already there. Here is the link to click that will take you to the meeting. We gather between 10am and 10:15 and finish at 11am or just after.
Here is the link that will take you to the zoom meeting The Wednesday Conversation for January 20th, 2021
Church Offering Envelopes and Ways to Make Financial Contributions
1/ These have been prepared for distribution and will mostly be delivered to the home of people who use them over the next couple of weeks. We encourage everyone to use the envelopes on a regular basis as we way of financially supporting St. Helen's.
2/ Of course, you may like to take advantage of 'Pre-Authorized Deductions', 'PAD' which can be organized for a regular monthly contrbution to the work of the church directly from your bank account. If you would like to give using the PAD system, please be in touch with our Treasurer, Mareen Mathew or with our People's Warden, Roy Francis. You may contact them through the office email
3/ You may prefer to make your financial contribution using Interac e-Transfer. Most people have become used to this way of paying for things electronically and it is so simple to use. We have a unique email address set up for this. The email address to use is:
Everybody's contributions are very important and appreciated. They are necessary to keep the ministries of St. Helen's up and running. Please consider what your annual contribution will be for 2021 and how you will achieve making your offering each week, month or some other regular timing.
Income Tax Receipts for 2020
The income tax receipts for last year are being prepared. They will soon be available and will be sent out through the mail in the near future.
St. Helen's Annual Vestry Meeting
Our Annual vestry meeting will take place on the last Sunday of the month, February 28th. The meeting will take place by zoom. We have not yet finalized a time as there are likely to be a few logistical things to set up after the livestream service before we start the meeting. It may follow soon after the service or take place later in the afternoon. On that day, our new Bishop, John Stephens will also be 'Seated' at a livestreamed service at the Cathedral. We will want to work around the timing of the service so those who want to watch the Seating of the bishop service will be able to do so. Full details on how the meeting will be conducted will be forthcoming over the weeks and particularly as we get closer to the date.
Reports for the Book of Annual Reports
Although it seems that not a great deal was done over the past 12 months because of the pandemic, we still need to have the annual reports from the various groups and committees of St. Helen's. Please, if you are responsible for producing a report for your group, get this done as soon as possible 'electronically' as a Word document and sent to the church office. These will be compiled into the booklet for distribution. This year the reports will mostly be sent to everyone via email. Hard copies will be sent to those who do not have email.
Consecration of the Bishop Co-Adjutor
The Rev. John Stephens will be consecrated as bishop this coming Saturday, January 23rd at 11am. The service will be livestreamed so that everyone is able to participate in this limited way. The details of the service are on the website of the Diocese of NewWestminster Diocese of New Westminster Website You can click here and there will be links to follow to find the information to see the service. This link will take you to the You Tube channel where the service will be broadcast Consecration Service of John Stephens
The Bells Newsletter
A new edition of The Bells will be coming out in the next couple of weeks as we prepare for the Annual Vestry meeting. There will be information regarding our Lenten Journey program which include worship opportunities and conversations from Ash Wednesday (February 17) through to Holy Week and Easter (April 4th)
Many blessings to one and all for the week ahead. Stay safe. Stay well.
A downloadable version of these notices in Word may be found below