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Notices for the Week: Oct 30th – Nov 5th  

This Morning we Welcome Mike Musgrove the executive director Surrey Urban Mission. As our Guest speaker, Mike will be sharing with us the life, work, mission, and ministry of SUM.  

Bottle Drive pick up is today right after the service. Kelly & Les Foulds will be collecting all & dropping them off to be credited to St Helen’s recycling account. Thank you!  

All Saints Day is Tuesday November 1st – To celebrate All Saints Day there will be service of the Holy Eucharist at 11am.  The service will last about 30 minutes.  Everyone is invited to come of course and those who are attending the Lunch Bunch on Tuesday are particularly invited.   

Lunch Bunch will be meeting this Tuesday Nov 1st at 11:45am. Lunch is $6.00 to be paid on Tuesday. Our lunch in December will be on Monday Dec. 5th at the ABC Restaurant, 15373 Fraser Hwy at 11:30am. Lunch at 12 noon, cost will be $18.00 which includes Turkey Dinner, desert, coffee or tea, gratuity & tax. (The price of the Dinner is gone up to $20.00 and the difference will be paid out of the Lunch Bunch money.) We need to know how many are coming by Nov.27. If attending, please put your money in an envelope with the correct amount and your name on it. Envelope to be given to Joan Hnedish or Pat Nociar.  

A Fellowship Evening Next Saturday, November 5th Arrival Time: 5pm with a casual Potluck Supper beginning at 5:30pm.  Please bring along a dish to share with others.  A Movie, one, of the Pirates of the Carribean will be shown after supper.  As it is also Guy Fawkes night, (the fellow who tried to blow up the houses of parliament in London, England) following the movie, and weather permitting, for those who would like to stay, we will have a ‘small fire’ outdoors to roast marshmallows.  

Christmas Bazaar -Don’t forget our Christmas Bazaar will be held on Nov 26th.  Preparations begin long before which makes it now time! With all the wonderful fruits and vegetables in season please think of the pantry stall.  Jams, jellies, pickles, relishes, chutneys etc. are all needed and welcomed.  If you have jars or need jars speak to Jacquie Stinson (604-517-4661).  

Hospitality Ministry - We are changing the format of coffee hour.  Our coffee teams will continue to set up, serve and clear up but we are asking other parishioners to sign up to bring goodies for each Sunday.  A list will be circulated in the hall at coffee hour which will give all an opportunity to participate.  If you miss out on this list, there will be another put out every 6 or 7 weeks.  

Sunday Ministry Rotas –We would like to strengthen our Sunday Ministry teams.  Are you interested in reading a lesson on Sunday, becoming a server, helping with the coffee ministry, helping to greet people at the door, please speak with Marion O’Byrne. Training and support will be offered for each of these ministries.  

Confirmation and Receiving into the Anglican Communion Bishop Melissa will be with us on December 18th. We are planning to have a confirmation service if there are people.  At this time, we can also receive into the Anglican Church those who are baptized and grew up in another church but who would now like to be received into the Anglican Church.  Please speak with the rector, Father Steve, if you would like to be confirmed or received into the Anglican Church.  

ACW SW Fraser Area Meeting:  On Tuesday, November 15, our ACW will host and welcome the Diocesan ACW Board, the Rev. Sue Foley-Currie, and ACW members from Surrey, Langley, and Delta.  They are pleased to have The Most Rev’d. Archbishop Douglas Hambidge as guest speaker.  

Readings for Sunday, November 6th  – All Saints &  Pentecost 24
Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18;   
Psalm 149;
Ephesians 1:11-23;
Luke 6:20-31