Notices for the Week: January 8th-14th
Lunch Bunch
will meet at 11:45am in the upper hall this Tues Jan 10th. Lunch is $6.00 to be paid on Tuesday. Please let Joan Hnedish or Pat Nociar know if you are attending. Advance notice: We are hoping to have our missed “Christmas’ meal at ABC restaurant in March. More details later.
A Men’s Breakfast
Next Saturday, January 14th at 9am at the IHOP at the corner of Scott Road and 82nd Ave. in Surrey. The is a Tri-Parish event with St. Michael’s and Church of the Epiphany. Please let Steve know by Thursday, Jan. 12 so numbers can be determined. Each person pays for their own meal at the breakfast.
Food Bank Sunday is next Sunday January 15th.
Please make a special effort to bring in non-perishable food items that can be taken to the food bank. Protein items such as canned fish, peanut butter, baked beans etc. are good items to bring. Remember you can bring items on any Sunday but we ask everyone to bring something on this particular Sunday each month. The food basket is brought forward at the time of the offertory along with the bread, wine and our financial offerings. There is a poster indicating particularly needed items in the hall.
Reminder of the Play and Dinner
This event is next Sunday, January 15th for those who signed up with Lynn Turner to attend the show.
An Immediate Appeal for Winter Clothing for Quesnel BC
It has come to our attention that there is an immediate need for warm used winter clothing for school age children in Quesnel BC. There is a particular need for elementary school age children. If you are able to make donations of coats, scarves, boots, hats, gloves, mittens, warm socks, etc. the ACW will be collecting these at ACW Place and shipping it all off to Quesnel before the end of the month. Please bring them here to the church first and we will make sure they get to ACW Place.
Altar Guild Meeting
A meeting of the WHOLE altar guild will take place on Saturday, January 28th. The gathering starts at 10am in the church. We will begin with everyone together preparing the sanctuary for the next day. That being done, the meeting will begin with tea, coffee, croissants etc. Father Steve will be there to answer questions, lead conversation, offer a few ideas as well as refresh our practices.
2017 Church Calendars: A few are still available.
The Anglican and Lutheran churches have worked together to produce this expression of their joint commitment to living out God’s mission in the world. The format allows lots of space for recording your busy schedules. They cost is $7.00 each and available from Jos Laskey.
Bottle Drive on Jan 29th:
Kelly & Les will be delivering all our deposit recyclables to the recycling depot. Please bring in all yours to go. They need to be left outside the lower hall door before or immediately after the service please.
Mission, Ministry, and Outreach Working Group
In order to build on our work in and around the community, it is important for St. Helen’s to have a small working group to keep us up to date on the needs of the community. This team of people would be able to see how our faith community could be of help in the neighbourhood. Are you interested in working on such task group? It is a great way of turning our prayers into action. Please speak with Father Steve or one of the wardens.
Surrey Urban Mission News
Did you know that SUM provides meals 7 days a week and there are 7000 meals provided each month? SUM’s biggest fundraiser of the year is on Saturday, February 25th, ‘The Coldest Night of the Year’. More information will be made available about how you can get involved or support this event.
Forthcoming Dates for Your Calendar
This spot will be populated with information next week.
Readings for Sunday, January 15th – Baptism of the Lord
Due to poor weather from the week before, we have delayed the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord by one week. The readings will now be: Isaiah 42:1-9; Psalm 29; Acts 10:34-43;
Matthew 3:13-17
Don’t Forget
For Updates on what is happening at St. Helen’s go to both our Facebook Page and our website. Current information is put up on these pages each week and in particular when the weather is bad and people are looking for information.
Again, the addresses are:
Parish Website:
Parish Facebook Page: