Notices for the Week of January 7th – 13th
Forthcoming Dates
Parish Council Meets Tuesday, January 16th in the upper hall at 7pm
Food Bank Sunday – Next Sunday, January 14th. Please remember that we wish to give regular support to the food bank. On the second Sunday of each month we ask that the whole congregation to bring a long-dated, non-perishable food item.
Annual Vestry Meeting & Reports – The parish council has set the date for our annual meeting as February 25th, 2018 following the 10 am service. At this time we will receive reports for all our various groups in the parish and elect officers and parish council for 2018. Please get the report you are responsible for to the Rector or one of the wardens as a Word document no later than January 31st so the reports may be collated and distributed. Sending your report by email (at the parish email address) is the best way to get in.
Men's Breakfast - 9am, Saturday, January 20th at the IHOP Corner of Scott Road (120th Street0 and 82nd Ave. This is a Tri-Parish event with St. Michael's and Epiphany. We come together for fellowship and we each buy our own breakfast.
For your Diary – Get the Dates in Now
Saturday February 3rd - International Supper at St. Helen’s
Tuesday, February 13th - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
February 14th - Ash Wednesday
Lenten Studies – Days and times to be set – more info next week
Readings for Next Sunday, January 14th – Epiphany 2
I Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20);
Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18
1 Corinthians 6:12-20;
John 1:43-51