BOTTLE DRIVE A big thank you from Kelly and Les Foulds to everyone for the continued support of the bottle drive. Please be reminded that Kelly and Les would be happy to accept any clean, rinsed milk containers including almond, oat and soy along with bottles and cans that you donate on the last Sunday of the month in clear plastic bags, if possible.
FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT We gather to start our Advent Journey, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, followed by a Potluck Lunch - please bring a dish to share and enjoy the fellowship of all who journey with us here at St. Helen's!
PLEASE bring all your sale items, baking and all other donations to the Hall between 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
IF you need to make other arrangements, speak to the table lead or to Zoltan.
Posters are available from the back of the Church, please take one to post or give to family and friends.
Thank you for supporting the parish bazaar in so many ways. If you haven't purchased or sold raffle tickets, books of 12 are still available. The cost of 3 for $5.00 or a book for $20.00 gives you a chance to win a 1st Prize of $350.00 cash, 2nd Prize of Canucks Hockey Tickets for 2 and a 3rd Prize of a gourmet gift basket with turkey certificate. If you have monies and stubs to return, please give them to Judy Nicholson as soon as possible. This helps with depositing funds and having your 'lucky' stubs placed in the barrel before the day of the event.
All members of our Parish Council are reminded to attend this TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 at 7:00 p.m. meeting in the Church Hall
Everyone is invited to enjoy a time of fellowship and lunch on Thursday, November 24, at 11:45am, in the Upper Hall. Lunch will be provided at a cost of $6.00. Please confirm with Joan Hnedish that you will be attending. All are welcome.
Many seafarers will be far from home and on ships in Vancouver and Delta ports this Christmas. Last year, 1500 individual gifts bags were delivered to these men and women. The ACW has purchased warm, wool socks as an outreach project and to join others in saying we care and are grateful for what they do. If you would like to make a donation of socks or other wish list items (toothpaste, toothbrushes, chocolate bars, soap, shower gel or shampoo, no more than 340ml, please give your donations to Judy Nicholson by November 27. Monetary donations enable them to purchase extra items. This can be done on the Mission to Seafarers website under 'Donate - Christmas Appeal.'