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Sunday School

Our Sunday School program will be starting up again, many thanks to Fil Sotana and Sarah Vinu for taking the initiative in this important ministry.  

The start date for Sunday School is Sunday March 5, 2023. The general format for Sunday School will include a brief Children’s Focus at the beginning of the service. Sunday School then takes place in the upper hall, returning back to the service towards the conclusion of the Prayer of the People.  

As this is a re-start with some renewed and fresh program material, the Sunday School will be entering a Pilot Period over Lent where there will be opportunity for Fil and Sarah to determine what is working and how this ministry can grow. Please spread the word among your neighbours and friends who may interested in participating again in Sunday School.  

For more information and registration, please contact Fil at: or phone, 778-828-4057.  


Join us for our traditional Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, starting at 5:30 p.m.  This is Fun, Friendship and Sharing a meal together - what could be better - all hosted by the Fould's family!          


will follow the Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 21 - all Council members are asked to make every effort to attend Father Robin's first Council meeting as we prepare for the Annual Vestry Meeting.  


All parishioners are encouraged to attend this meeting. It will take place immediately following the regular service on SUNDAY, February 26, 2023. A light lunch will be provided.   


The annual WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE 2023 will take place at St. Helen's on Friday, March 3, at 1pm.  Our ACW is pleased to host this ecumenical service as we focus on the people of TAIWAN and the theme, 'I Have Heard About Your Faith.'  The offering will be forwarded to WICC (Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada) to support their annual social justice grants.  All are welcome.  

Fireside Chats with Robin

Our new Rector has set us a task. Father Robin has asked that some parishioners consider hosting a “Fireside Chat” in their homes. These can take place daytime or evening, but are to be kept very simple. If you are interested in hosting one of these chats, or would like to sign up, please let one of the Wardens know or leave a message in the office.  


The outreach work of the Diocesan ACW continues.  Each Monday morning women from various parishes, including ours, gather to sort clothing donations.  These and other household items are then prepared for shipment to Northern BC and Yukon parishes.  A blanket (double/queen/king size) forms the outer 'wrapper' of these 40 pound bundles.  At the moment, BLANKETS or APHGANS (loosely crocheted sofa/bed covers) are DESPERATELY NEEDED.  Please consider donating any that you no longer need.  They will serve two purposes - one for shipping and secondly to keep someone else 'warm & cozy.'  Your support is most appreciated.  Judy Nicholson will gladly receive and deliver all donations.