Creative Weave 1

Where do we serve and how do we serve?  A friend who has been involved in prison work and in particular the plight of young people in the prison system once made a simple comment about her work which sent my mind and imagination soaring to places about healing the fabric of our lives and the fabric of creation. Her few words made we think particularly of her prison work and the many tears in the fabric of the many lives. Others may tear our lives like so many rags but we often make tears in our own lives. All needs a healing, seamless weave.  How can this be done?

Creative Weave 1

Journey safe.
Mind your step as you go;
weaving quick or slow
in a bustling city
’round diverse feet and rolling wheels
that test your nerve.
Amongst the ‘never still’
you may alight;
called to serve and share the light.

Or simple field
your presence hallow;
for it too seeks its peace
from the slicing plow;
those steely scalpels of the earth.

Away cuts;
away wounds;
come now O stream of light
to cleave a deeper unity
and protect the fragile fallow.

So each place and moment,
each made sacred
by mixed and sundry words we sow;
seeds of truth scattered and rooted
in the depths of soul and soil ring through…
and stir…
and resonate…
and shudder…
along the tangled threads
and twisting strands
of creation’s fabric.
And there a sacred weave hear sung;
sacred melody,
sacred harmony,
weaved and weaver’s voices one;
sacred weave,
sacred healing,
sacred holy.                             © Stephen Laskey 2013